Make the web weird again

Transform your business

I'm a passionate engineer who loves everything IT related. I wrote my first HTML file over 25 years ago. I aim to make digital products easier for everyone and stay ahead in technology through continuous learning. Looking to push your project to new heights? I'm your expert. Ignite your vision with my expertise. Let's kick ass. Hire me.


Visit my /now page


NEW! 2023/04/05 Artificial Eloquence
2023/03/22 Transcribe voice notes
2023/03/15 Carpal Tunnel
2022/10/14 A different development freeze
2022/04/01 Top education without the bullshit
2021/12/31 Fiction read in 2021
2021/01/17 Yearly goals 2021
2020/12/31 Fiction read in 2020
2020/05/25 Safari on Linux
2020/05/17 Windows10 gets outdated
2020/05/01 Geolocation spoofing with chrome
2020/04/01 BIOS update on Thinkpad t470s
2019/12/31 Fiction read in 2019
2019/12/25 Total capacity on laptops with multiple batteries
2019/03/23 Broken things with usb charging
2018/12/31 Fiction in 2018
2018/06/23 Monorepos for frontend
2018/05/15 Hate the micro USB connector
2018/04/15 How I use MacOS
2018/04/01 Numbered backgrounds
2018/03/15 Reboot v9

I'm David. I help companies build digital products. Hire me.
Follow me dgrabla@mastodon.social. Chat with me @dgrabla:matrix.org. Email me.